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Re: Cost of euthanasia

Dear Kat,

I completely agree with you.  I had a similar mare--she was a very well
bred brood mare who'd been beaten in the "hey-day" of Arabian breeding
and training, and I  was able to buy her because she couldn't be
trailered, tied or handled because of fear.  rearing and going over
back-wards.  She wasn't even a very fertile brood mare, and never
broken.  I spent many years just gettilng her to trust me.  No one else
wanted her.  When she was finally 29, arthetic and trusted only me, I
had her put down in the field.And I was still lthe  only one who could
hold her.  It was very hard. ( I could have taken her to the auction or
given her away, but I knew what would eventually happen to her again, 
and I  had spent too much time convincing her that she was "safe".  I
just couldn't do it to her.And you're right--if something happened to me
before it happened to her, NO ONE would take care of her.

I know it proabbly goes against a vet"s conscience(mine too, but
sometimes it is the only humane way) and I would hope my vet would trust
me on this!


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