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HELP- won a low bid on Aussie saddle-H/T fit an Arab, Anglo-Arab???

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From: K2 of K3 

Hi, all!
I'm new to this board-was recommended to post this here after hearing nothing but 'crickets' at the Arabian Horse Interactive boards.....TIA for your kind consideration of my question.

I am in the process of acquiring a 14.2 Anglo Arab mare w. high (TB) withers, and a 15.0 Arabian mare(supposedly w. well sprung ribs- don't know exactly @ her withers per se). Both girls are 20+ - I'll be providing a retirement home for both of them while providing myself an opportunity to learn about light trail riding and horse care as a 30+ yr old adult woman who FINALLY is getting horses!

What would be the +s and -s of using an Aussie saddle on these two? If there is something that is commonly known + or - about this with respect to Arabs/ Anglo-Arabs, I'd sure appreciate the insights! 

I don't know much about fitting saddles - is there any likelihood that I can use it on both of them, or is the difference too great between the two (I know, without seeing them it's hard to say --). Or is it just unrealistic to use just one saddle - I will have access to a Western saddle for the Anglo Arab that is known to fit. 

UPDATE:  YEOW! - I won the bid at EBAY!- I now OWN an Aussie saddle (Down Under Outback Poley)!!  What size should I go with?  EEEK.. they're asking about wither measurements! - any/all insights would be appreciated!!  Wouldn't ordinarily be in this situation, but no one challenged me on the low bid!....Sorry for any inconvenience, but could REALLY use some insights!!

Thanks again!

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