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Trailer Rescue video and 911
There are at least two good safety videos, one is on trailer rescue and the
other is on barn fires.
Our local riding club got the trailer rescue one, and loaned it out for
meeting activities to other clubs. They also coordinated associated
demonstrations for local fire and rescue folks which included not only
discussion on how to get a stuck horse out of a trailer, but also learning
how to approach, catch, handle, and halter horses, and seeing the insides of
different types of trailers. Other rescue companies got wind of it and
asked to schedule demos, too. They are required to complete so many hours
of training. It was a GREAT PR for the club, and increased awareness of
horses and responsible horsepeople in the community! Encourage your local
clubs to get the video, too, and to practice how to tie horses' legs or
tails to get them out.
Did anyone see the show "911" hosted by William Shatner that showed a home
video of a trailer accident? The 2-horse trailer was on its road side. Two
race horses had been in it; one got loose immediately and ran down the
highway, slowed eventually and got caught by some people who stopped. The
other had its foot caught in a hay rack and was thrashing. It was clearly
very dangerous to approach and unthinkable for a human to enter the door
then; the trailer was also sort of collapsey as its support was just a bit
A vet arrived, and I think I remember him telling the owner that he didn't
want to give a tranq or anesthetic because of danger of further depression
if the horse would shock, when the horse then did shock in the next minute
and stilled the struggle. As soon as that happened, the brave vet and some
big guys went in and got the foot loose and pulled the horse out by the
tail, and QUICKLY stitched a cut in the mare's eyelid. She came out of the
stupor just as he finished his last knot and the guys got off her head and
neck, and she got up just after, almost as, the silk was cut! Both horses
got blanketed and loaded readily onto another trailer. The mare returned to
her racing career after a little recovery period.
Along with the cotton-stuffed hosiery for horsy ear plugs the video
recommends having other stuff on hand in your trailer. I remember some,
like the rope, but also to tape to the inside trailer door Your vet's phone
number, and a phone # for the vet in the area you will be trailering to.
Hazard flares, flashing red flashlights and signs would be good, as well as
a spare halter along with some horse first aid stuff, as well as a fire
extinguisher or TWO.
Once a van-driving friend of mine saw a trailer on fire because of another
drivers' trailer brakes or something in the wheel. He stopped the other
driver, and used up his extinguisher because the hot rubber kept
re-igniting, and had to stuff his coat into the wheel area. The trailering
man and his young son didn't have an extinguisher, and weren't aware of the
fire until the van waved him over.
There are other tips in the video like telling emergency response to turn
their sirens down or off when nearing the site, and posting the radio guy on
the side of the site where the horse would be least likely to get the full
effect of all the confusing sounds. If I talk to the fellow club member
that has the trailer video, I'll ask where they got it and what the other
equipment was.
Jeff and Bridget Brickson
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