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Re: NATRC shoeing rules

A couple of other posts tonight suggested that we can help by watching
where we are going - that is a true partnership!  

I have ridden all my life in the mountains. I condition on Mt. Diablo, a
rocky terrain with narrow trails up to 4000 ft elevation.  I ride NATRC and
pleasure ride ten days in a row in the Sierra Nevada and Yosemite (The
rockiest toughest trails anywhere!). My Arabian gelding is now 19 years
old. Never padded. Always sound. I rode from Nogales on the Mexican Border
to San Francisco. 1500 miles and in 52 days.  He was perfectly sound. No
pads.  He is a Karadjordje, Serafix Witez cross, mostly Polish. Good feet.  
There is a way to ride sound horses without pads!  Like one old timer says:
"You can ride anywhere, any time, but you cannot make any old horse sound."

At 01:16 PM 2/2/99 PST, you wrote:
>Nothing wrong with the foot~just some of the places we ride. Horses 
>would not "naturally" go the places we ask them to, nor for the distance 
>& length of time we ask them. Recognizing that is the first step toward 
>true partnership.
>Nancy Mitts  
>>Once you pad a horses foot you have a different goal- because you are
>>acknowledging something is wrong with the foot.  
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