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2 more trailer stories

1) Leaving the Caspers Park ride in 1995, someone started yelling at me
to stop.
My mare, alone in a 2 horse straight load trailer, had gone down and was 
floundering about. I stopped and went back there. There were already
people  around and all 3 ride vets. My 16.2 H mare was laying down under
the divider.
She was very calm at this point which is SO unusual for her. I stuck
myself in the
escape door on the opposite side and talked to her. She could not get
back up in 
her particular position, so my husband had to detach the divider (which
hadn't been
moved in years) and swing it towards me. Then we urged her up. She was
although the chiro gave me a nasty look at her next adjustment.

2) In the early days of training her to load a trailer, we were
practicing the up a little and then
down. Then back up a little more and down again. On  the last down, she
slipped and went down
on her knees. She sliced open the knee and needed stitches. Luckily there
was no damage other
than the skin. 

NEVER trailer your horses   : )


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