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RE: Rider Conditioning
On Monday, February 01, 1999 7:35 PM, Angela C. McGhee
[SMTP:rides2far@juno.com] wrote:
> To prepare for a holding your horse at a vet check (I loved this one)
> borrow a neighbor's Great Dane and try to hold him in the midst of a
> Prairie Dog town. Singe a steak black on the outside, pink on the inside
> and try to eat it with a puny plastic fork...
> Get the picture? :-)
> Angie
Angie you are truely priceless to this forum!
I never do anything but ride to get ready for 50. I myself ride more times
a week then I ride my horse I compete on. He goes out 3 times a week to my
5 times a week, that is why I have my back up horse. I think that helps.
Each ride gets easier then the last. That is about the time that being
the martyrs that we are we start thinking we miss the torture and it is
time to move up for more! Have you ever noticed how proud we all are and
how willing we are to share our pains with one another around a camp fire?
Takes a special kind of person to be that warped and still have fun!!!!!
It reminds me of showing boo-boos to one another when we were little kids!
Cheryl Newbanks
~~~ ~~ ^ ^ SW Region
~~~\ _~~/ /\ / Buckeye, AZ
( ) _ _ ) ' ' horsetrails@inficad.com
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