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Re: In favor of Paring
Hi Angie,
My only concern is that my horse is so ouchy on the large gravel "driveway"
at the farm where he's boarded, though we traverse very rocky trails with
no problem. After the farrier works on him, his frogs seem to be pared
down almost nothing, and I can't imagine that this helps the situation any.
Interestingly, his front feet (the only ones shod) seem to be developing a
cup-like shape that I never noticed before. But no cup in back.
I've had him for 2 1/2 years, and the only time he was ever lame was after
he lost a shoe and shredded the bottom of the hoof wall because the farrier
couldn't come out for several days (didn't know about Easyboots then).
Thanks for offering another opinion.
At 08:22 PM 2/1/99 -0500, you wrote:
>O.K. I'll be the devil's advocate. I have a wonderful farrier who does a
>great job, but since I'd heard everyone talk so much about this paring
>thing, last fall I asked him to "not pare away the sole". Well, he
>studied a little and said,"It's got to go down some for me to trim the
>wall." Remember now...up to this point I'd had NO problems, and I ride
>on some of the rockiest places around. I quickly said, "Never mind, do
>what you always do," but he said he'd see what he could do.
> What I got was a set of shoes that lasted 4 weeks before they were too
>long instead of 6. We clicked and clacked the whole 50 miles at the
>Mountin' Hopes ride. People were looking back constantly to see if it
>was their horse. Drove everybody crazy. From now on I'll keep my mouth
>shut and not fix what ain't broke, no matter what's the hot topic of the
>day is. By the way, he keeps those frogs pretty too, and we haven't had
>thrush either.
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