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Paring down the sole and frog

My farrier has been good about shortening my gelding's toes at my request,
but I'm concerned about this "paring" business.  I generally cannot be
present when my horse is done, but it's obvious that his frogs have been
trimmed.  Don't know whether that's true of the soles as well -- would it
be equally obvious?

Since my horse is rather ouchy on gravel (though rocky trails don't seem to
bother him), should I insist that the farrier leave his frogs alone?

Cindy Eyler

At 01:47 PM 2/1/99 -0800, wrote:
>>>>Next, my husband pares down the sole also... it is not always
>necessarily hard.
>It softens and flakes off and sometimes there's a lot of it there that
>need to be... it depends on the horse... >>
>We are so fortunate that our farrier has done some endurance riding.  He
>NEVER pares away the sole of our horses feet. We ride in very rocky
>territory and we truly believe (rightly or wrongly!) that any extra
>protection that can be left on the feet is helpful. Makes sense to us.

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