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A small suggestion?

Hi Steph and Campers,

With the introduction of changes to the list I 
was wondering if I could make a small suggestion?

I was wondering if it would be possible (with the 
new software) to add a little 'flag' at the 
start of the subject line, such as [ridecamp] 
or [rc] for messages that are going through the 
list? Perhaps [rc] would be better so that 
'over-the-shoulder' readers at work don't realise 
that people are reading endurance posts instead 
of professional posts <g>

The reason I suggest this is because I am
finding it tricky to distinguish ridecamp posts 
from other posts sometimes and have to 
anxiously screen the 'from' and 'to' fields every 
time to make sure I keep private things private 
and that I don't accidentally 'out' lurkers or 
other people who wish for their replies to remain 
private. I haven't made a mistake yet, but I 
would hate to do so accidentally.

However, I might not have thought this suggestion
through properly and there may be hundreds of 
reasons why people would not wish for a ridecamp 
'flag' to be put in the subject line. If so, I 
apologise for making a stupid suggestion <g>


Liz and Basil The Nag

Dr E Carpenter
Institute for Cardiovascular Research
The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
+ 44 (0113) 2334169/2334803 (voice/fax)
+ 44 (0498) 783129 (mobile)

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