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Re: Let's Discuss Worming
In a message dated 1/30/99 11:58:44 PM EST, vmaxept@cococo.net writes:
<< ith all the 'stuff' going on about worming.. i have decide to learn how
to do my own fecal egg-worm count..how difficult can this be.
i saw a fecal floation sample kit in Jeffers LONG ago.. any one know
where I can get the 'kit'
I have a good microscope .. my vet Patty is going to show me how to dow
the set and what to look for -- going to copy some stuf from her vet
You don't need a kit to do fecal floatations. All you need is a microscope,
cover slips, slides and some type of small container, similar to a 35mm film
canister. You make the floatation solution with sugar and water. It is a
super saturated solution, to make this, use a small pot on the stove, warm a
small amt of water, put sugar in the warm water and allow to dissolve, keep
stirring in more and more sugar until no more sugar will dissolve. Pour into
a small container and this is the floatation solution. You mix a small amt of
manure in a small amt of floatation sol in the film canister, fill the
canister so it is just about to run over, put the cover slip on top of the
canister, it should be touching the solution. Wait several minutes, I think,
like 5 minutes. Carefully take the cover slip and place on a glass slide and
look under the microscope for eggs. Very simple, not too many ways to mess it
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