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Ridecamp breakfast get-together

I've gotten quite a few "yes"s in response to the breakfast idea (about 25
so far...along with a half dozen or so "maybe"s) which means that we'll
need several tables or a room in a restaurant.  If you are planning to
attend the conference and would like to join us but haven't sent me a note
yet, please do asap...we want to make sure we can find a place (preferably
within the 3 hotel complex) that can accommodate us, so we'll need an
approximate number soon.  If you're not sure, I can list you as a maybe and
then figure maybe half of the "maybes" will be there.  Linda Cowles will be
checking for appropriate places but if you're familiar with what's
available and have any suggestions, please let Linda or me know.  Steve
suggested also that a buffet might be easiest and quickest with this many

In regards to which would be Friday or Saturday morning since
there's a convention breakfast on Sunday.  Any considerations for which day
or what time?  (I thought Saturday might be best since everyone will have
arrived and had a chance to get to the trade show and lectures on Friday --
and, for those with the "maybe" response, we'd be able to get a more
definite number...these are my thoughts only so if you have any
suggestions, please let us know.)

Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.

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