Dear People:
I had to respond to your problems with you mule and vaccinations. Rent or
buy the video Understanding Horses by Robert M. Miller, DVM or call or write
to him. (He likes mules, is familiar with their particular problems and I
believe even raises them.) In his video, he gives specific instructions on
how to deal with horses that will not tolerate shots. The black mare in his
video would have done all that you said your mule did yet he turned her
phobic behavior around. In a nutshell, he hobbles one leg so that the horse
is left with the use of 3 legs, a very vulnerable situation for a prey animal
but unless you watch him and listen to why he does what he does and exactly
how to do what he does, my retelling will be worthless. The video is $39.95
and can be ordered from Smiling Pinto at 775-847-9847 PO Box K. Virginia
City, NV 89440. He includes safety measures (the horse was not in any way
hurt) and he gives you time guidelines. If you have to do all that you do
with your animal, I am amazed that you or the mule haven't run up some big
hospital or vet bills. Give the video a try. My amateur life with horses has
taught me that if you have to resort to that much physical restraint, you've
lost before you have even begun.
Hope the video helps.