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Re: RC: Saddle fitting-comfort-camerahabberly@UK


hi sorry for a very delayed answer to your emails due to mock exams for 
accountancy thing ( yuck).

I can sympathise with your problem re selling saddles, particularly given 
the travel distances involved in the states. Do your custoemrs pay travel 
AND time costs, in my business we would always charge for both .

The rep that sold me my wintec GP came out and said my saddles back was 
precisley totally unlike my description ! He spent ages on what was a cheap 
saddle in terms of his likley profit margin ensuring it fitted well.

I bought a Sports Saddle over the web which has caused problems I think 
because the size I specified was to big  and the stirrups were in the wrong 
place for me. Not the fualt of the vendor who provided what I asked for .

I think that its really pot luck for nboth saddle sellers and vendors. You 
either strike lucky and get a saddle that suits, or are on a perpetual 
saddle hunt!


>From: "Sharon Saare" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RC:  Saddle fitting-comfort-camerahabberly@UK
>Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 09:23:40 -0600
>Dear Camara,
>The problem with Comfort saddle search is that she was attempting to have 
>my sales rep tell her what size saddle tree her
>horse would take...WITHOUT...him even seeing the horse.  We include a 
>fairly detailed description of what type backs our saddles fit 
>however...often people don't really understand what they are seeing when 
>they look at their horse's back.  The terms wide,medium and narrow mean a 
>lot of things to a lot of people.  Also...our trees are very 
>precise....which is why so many of the top endurance riders all over the 
>world use them.  However...the successful users have their horses fitted.  
>This party wanted information that simply is not GIVEABLE over the phone.
>A case in point, yesterday morning I fit a woman's horse over the 
>phone...she was in Oregon...with trees in hand, as she put
>them on the back and told me how they made contact, I could tell her to 
>look for the details that would determine the difference
>between fit and kinda fit.  If she is getting a custom saddle, kinda fit 
>isn't good enough.
>Comfort didn't really want to pay for a fitting...just wanted the answers 
>without giving my sales rep anything to work with except
>that her horse is wide backed with low withers.  We have three trees that 
>might fit a horse like that...but without seeing horse
>and trees together...or pursuing it as the woman did in Oregon...its like 
>shaking dice.  Might as well go to Walmart and buy a generic saddle.
>I understand that some people only want a used saddle...I don't have a 
>problem with that...and we do fit some of those horses...
>as I indicated...for a fitting fee...but we can't take the time to travel 
>to do can come to rep or to shop and pay that fee but they 
>can't expect me or my reps to travel 100 or 200 or more miles for that type 
>of transaction.,
>Sharon Saare

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