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RE: crooked tails

I have a gelding, whose tail is crooked as well.  He does not dog track, but
apparently his sire holds his tail the same way.  And all of his get do as
well.  If you've checked his back, the saddle fits okay, and when you lunge
him he tracks correctly then my assumption would be that's all it is a
crooked tail.  I was on a ride once, and two riders came up behind me.  I
overheard them saying, gee that horse carries his tail the same way as
Lassiter.'  I talked to her and found out that my gelding and her gelding
were half brothers out of the same sire.

Before I started endurancing  this horse, I was showing English and Western
Pleasure, and I was told at a show that my horse (11/16 Egyptian) was a very
honest boy and that maybe I should look at taking him to a Vet hospital and
getting the ligaments that hold his tail off to one side cut so that he
would hold his trail straight.  I politely said thanks for the information
and walked away.  I would never do that to my horse, as a judge they will
have to deal with it.  If I didn't place as high in a class -- too bad.

So I personally don't think it's anything to worry about.  Enjoy

Catherine Foster
University Industry Liaison Office
Research and Graduate Studies
University of Northern British Columbia
Tel. (250)960-5840
Fax (250)960-5746
e-mail: <>

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 1999 6:57 AM
Subject: RC: crooked tails

Hi. I just read this one about crooked tails. My Shagya Arab mare has a
crooked tail and we go down the trail that way. My friends teased me about
all day Sunday. I also of course brush her either after I get home or the
next day and she is always arching her back when I brush there. I've had an
Equine massage therapist go over her for an hour and says her back prob. is
not due to my saddle. My saddle is causing a pinch in the shoulder, but not
the back.
We've also done dressage lessons and she's always crooked. She's like that
going down a straight trail. I think there IS something to the crooked tail
crooked back crooked horse thing. What does everybody else think? I'm
interested in more feedback. Deb

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