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Re: Height in FEI Horses
In a message dated 11/12/1999 5:18:55 AM Pacific Standard Time,
steenhof@cyberhighway.net writes:
<< Awhile back you asked us to to "vote" for the top 10 all-time endurance
horses. What were the results and what were they used for???
The results were not exactly "carved in stone". There were several horses I
though worthy who did not receive more than one vote or so but I think that
is because there are a lot of new people on these lists who did not know of
them. There was a horse called Easter Charm, there was Dana's Northlight, R.
T. Muffin, a horse that I think belongs to the Crandalls in the East who has
won the Old Dominion a couple of times and lots of others. I did the
original article because the Arabian Horse World wanted it and I had exactly
2 days to do it, with articles and pictures on each horse. They sent it to
Jeanne Stewart Spears and she is reworking the article and as far as I know
it will be coming in an edition of the magazine soon.
Which leads me to the next topic. I am going to pony up the $40.00 for a
subscription to The World but I am attaching a note that says I am an
endurance rider and am subscribing because of the coverage they are giving to
the sport of endurance and the horses we ride. Hopefully a few more people
will do the same. They manage to have an article about endurance every other
month or so and they do have a huge circulation.......Maryben
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