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Re: RC: riding after feeding
In a message dated 11/8/99 10:08:18 AM Pacific Standard Time,
meeks@palmnet.net writes:
<< Hi everyone! Please do not laugh, but I have a question. It has been
drilled into my skull not to feed a horse, then ride him. At he rides, hoe
does everyone get around this? I hear about feeding beet pulp, and grain,
at the vet checks- how can you ride right after that? Please be patient
with me... >>
Forget that old wives' tale! Horses that work as hard as endurance horses
need to have a gut fill to keep things moving so that they continue to absorb
and utilize what they have in their large colons and cecums. The key to this
is to have a good gut fill of quality roughage (hay, grass, beet pulp,
whatever) BEFORE the event and to keep replenishing it during the event.
What you DON'T want to do is feed a big load of carbohydrates that can
ferment if the digestive process is slowed. Feed any concentrates in small
quantities frequently throughout the event if you feel your horse needs them.
I will get up in the middle of the night before a ride just to make sure
that my horse still has plenty of hay in front of him...
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