Re: Different milage buckets
Hi Maggie,
Interesting to see how you look at fees, etc. Once in a while, I have been
heard to grumble while paying my ride fee but I am really happy to do so. I
realize, as Im sure you do, how much time, effort, sweat, work and stress
goes into putting on a ride. I pay my fees to help offset the costs. I
certainly do not think I am paying so that my or my horse's record will show
a certain number of miles. If the miles ridden were never accumulated and I
or anyone else never knew how many miles we had traveled, I would still ride
and pay for the privilege of having safe and well marked trails in country I
might never have gotten to see with competent vets to keep us healthy and
sound. And to do all this in the company of a bunch of great people as
enthusiastic as I about our wonderful and wondrous horses is just icing on
the cake. I am so happy that there are so many giving ride managers willing
to give up their time on their horses to insure that we will be able to have
a great ride. I know I wouldn't take on that responsibility for ten times
the amount now tendered. As for AERC, I do not particularly care as much
about the record keeping as I do about having an honest, well oiled
sanctioning body which also handles such unsavory stuff as insurance and all
of it's attendant headaches as well as keeping us all informed of what's
going on around the country (and the world for those who give a care). And
Maggie, I'll just bet that you would still ride the rides if they never kept
a single mileage record. Probably for all the reasons I have enumerated and
then some. Yes, I am proud that my Engelita will get her 1000 mile patch (or
whatever it is they give) this season. But you know what? She's the best
little mare and I wouldn't trade her for any amount even if she only had 25
miles to her record. So why am I telling you this when I know that you feel
just as proud of your pardners. It's the riding, not the records.
----- Original Message -----
From: Maggie Mieske <mmieske@netonecom.net>
To: <CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com>; <michrowe@frontier.net>; <ridecamp@endurance.net>;
David LeBlanc <dleblanc@mindspring.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 2:17 PM
Subject: RC: Different milage buckets
> At the risk of ticking some people off and perhaps showing off my
> ignorance, I have a comment to make. I did not realize that any 25s I did
> were not part of my cumulative mileage. To be honest, I never really
> thought about it. But now that I do, I think it sucks! AERC dues are not
> cheap. I want to be able to do both (50s and 25s and maybe someday 100s)
> but I think it should accumulate. I know that not everyone will agree on
> this but this is just my feelings. It costs us quite a bit of money to
> join all the various organizations AND pay all our ride fees and to me, it
> doesn't seem right. Please no flames. I am allowed to disagree even with
> the AERC once in awhile!
> Maggie Mieske
> Mieske's Silver Lining
> McBain, Michigan
> http://www.netonecom.net/~mmieske
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