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Re: RC: RC: rider weight horse weight??????

Just another thought on this. 

Take a 600 lb block of wood and put in up on four short, stout
legs of wood. Now take a 1000 lb block of wood and put in up on
four long legs of wood. Which is going to stand longer? Which
legs will break down first? 

Ponies and smaller horses usually have just as much bone as
taller horses. How many times have you ever heard of a pony
having problems 
with their legs? No matter how much weight they pull or carry in
life time, I have yet to hear of a pony that was put down
because of bad legs. Bad feet because of founder, maybe, but not
bad legs. I wonder
what the life expectancy and how well ponies such as the
Icelandic ponies do in their own countries where everyone big
and small rides them.  Does anyone know?


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