Re: Re: Re: Uh-Oh! The LD thing again
Man Charged with Cruelty for Dragging Horse
Oklahoma - An Osage County man faces an animal cruelty charge after he
allegedly tied an escaped horse to a trailer and tried to pull it home.
Osage County District Attorney Larry Stuart said Gary Bradley was sent a
letter Thursday informing him that the charge had been filed and that he had
10 days to turn himself in to authorities.
Sheriff's Lt. Allen Lansdown said the Feb. 24 episode occurred when Bradley
went to retrieve several horses that had gotten out during the night. The
man got two of the horses in the trailer, but the third wouldn't load,
Lansdown said.
Cathy Lowe and her 72 year old mother, Margaret Toth, said they watched in
astonishment as Bradley pulled the pregnant mare through their adjoining
circle driveways to turn around.
Ms. Lowe said the mare was digging her hooves in and pulling back against
the rope as she was dragged over a combination of asphalt and rock roadway.
Mrs. Toth said blood was "spraying from the horse's feet, and she had a
great, huge rope around her neck. You could see the flesh was all torn loose
and hanging" on the sides of her feet.
Mrs. Lowe said Bradley told her he had tried unsuccessfully for three hours
to load the horse.
The horse reared and tried to strike the man when he got near it, she said.
Dr. Charles Clinkenbeard, a Bartlesville veterinarian who treated the horse,
said the pregnant mare was sore and stiff but able to walk.
He said the horse was "injured in the hock area, where there were scrapes
from asphalt burns." There were only slight abrasions to the fleshy part
inside the hoof. He said there were no rope burns or abrasions around the
horse's neck.
The amount of blood made the injuries look worse than they actually were, he
said, adding that the horse wasn't hurt badly and is expected to recover
fully with no permanent damage.
Clinkenbeard said he has sent a letter to Stuart's office stating that he
saw no sign of animal abuse
----- Original Message -----
From: superpat <superpat@gateway.net>
To: superpat <superpat@gateway.net>; GESA BRINKS <gesaeqfx@pe.net>;
<Dbeverly4@aol.com>; <Howard4567@aol.com>
Cc: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Uh-Oh! The LD thing again
> http://horsenet.com/news/pr/drag
> Sorry guys, I was so upset about this news story that I forgot to include
> the address. Check this out only if you have a strong stomach.
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Not on the same subject, but I just saw this on another web site and
> to
> > find that man and drag him a mile or two. Can you imagine a vet saying
> that
> > he could not see signs of abuse???? Makes me so sick.----- Original
> >
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