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high headed? Collect...
your right!.. this way
really worked with my Arab stallion. After two Taps he was really looking for my
next cue and paying attention. It is a great attention getter { and yes it
is hard sometimes to remember to grab the saddle not the reins, especially when
they try to shoot out from under you} <grin> But don't forget to praise
your horse! When they do something right give them lots of good boys {or girls}
and rubs on the neck. That way they "know" they did something right.
The more enthusiastic I am when Knevermore does something right... the more
willing and enthusiastic he is trying something new. I always try to end a
work out with a horse { and rider] that has a positive attitude.. Knev seems to
be looking for something more in the next ride.. and if he isn't.. I ask
myself..hhhmmm what I'd do wrong? Anyway.. just my 2 cents. Happy
Debbie & Knevermore
Ask little, expect less, reward allot!
<snip>You also need to make sure he responds promptly to your leg
when you ask
him for more forward energy -- this is where the dressage whip
comes in.
Ask once quietly...if you have no response, ask again quietly and
follow it
immediately with a good sound smack by your leg with the
whip. He'll
probably go forward very quickly at this time...don't
snatch him in the
mouth in response! As soon as you can, go back to
where you started and
ask quietly again. If you don't get an immediate,
energetic response,
repeat the above procedure...and make sure your whip
smack is not a little
tap. What you end up teaching the horse then is
that the cue for "go
forward with more energy" is: leg, pause, leg,
tap. The smack should be
hard enough to not be pleasant...enough so
that he responds *very* quickly
the next time you ask.
Do lots and
lots of good transitions. The key here is "good"
And try to make "every" transition you do a good
one. It's not that
Practice Makes Perfect...it's that PERFECT Practice
Makes Perfect. ;-)
Pretty soon you're doing the transitions well because
that's how your body
knows how to do them...and likewise with the horse.
;-) <snip>
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