Re: RC: Fw: Riding Pregnant Mares
Joan and Janet--
Pregnancy is not an illness! It is a natural state. Mares turned out to
pasture are more often than not VERY active until they become quite
heavy--bucking, kicking, sprinting, twisting, turning, etc. I have
personally endurance ridden pregnant mares, including one up to almost 8
months, and have found that they have healthy deliveries, healthy foals, and
breed back easily. They WILL tell you when something becomes
uncomfortable--the first thing that I noticed with the one who was near 8
months was the beginning of some reluctance to go downhill, which makes
perfect sense when one considers that the weight of the uterus and fetus
would be pushing the abdominal contents forward against the diaphragm in that
Don't push your mare to do anything new, but I would certainly not alter her
routine appreciably at this point in her pregnancy. If she is used to
10-mile rides that include short gallops, there is certainly nothing about
being pregnant that would preclude her from continuing to do so until she
becomes awkward enough to be reluctant. Just play it by ear, and listen to
any clues she may give you.
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