Re: RC: ?questions?
> I'm fine. Alright, with my tack I'm on the high side of a featherweight. I've been trying to lose weight for my horses sake, but when I cut back food I have no energy and get totally weak. I know I need strength because it is physical requiring, but I also want to lose weight. How do I do this? Do u know of any really high energy food that's low carbs, low fat, low cals, or have any advice?
Advice? EAT! Forget lose weight. Look around at the people who do
well, and you'll see lots of people of all different shapes and sizes.
There is so much more to equine athletics than weight carried ... you'll
have more trouble doing this if you try to cut back on food than if you
eat well to keep strong and alert. Actually, that's one of the best
excuses we have - ("but honey I've been riding for 4-1/2 hours! you HAVE
to let me eat another Snickers bar, or I'll never be able to keep track
of my time!") :))
-Abby B
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- From: "guest@endurance.net" <guest@endurance.net>
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