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Re: shoe pads


     So, you're saying that during a competitive ride, you would monitor
     the footing conditions and take off/put on easy boots as conditions
     warrant?  I'm just envisioning a ride where you trot for 10 minutes
     over rocks with eboots on, stop, dismount, take eboots off and trot
     for 10 minutes over mud/clay.  Wouldn't this hamper your ability to

     I'm confused.  To my thinking, choosing one or the other for the
     *prevalent* ride footing conditions would be better than constantly
     changing.  In other words, if a 25 miler has 15 miles in rocks, and 10
     miles of mud, you'd choose pads or easy boots and hope for the best in
     the mud sections.  Unless the rock and mud sections were distinct and
     there were only two or maybe three.  Then changing might be worth it.

     Am I missing something?

     Kenzie & Zane
     Birmingham, AL

______________________________ Reply Separator ____________________________
Subject: RC: shoe pads
Date:    10/19/99 2:24 PM

And therein lies another beauty of Easyboots vs. pads--you can take them
OFF when conditions warrant, and put them back ON again when they are of
Pads are just as bad as Easyboots in mud, clay, wet grass, etc., and under
those conditions, neither Easyboots nor pads provide any advantages.  They
ARE of use in the rocks.  The great thing about Easyboots is that one can
them OVER shoes in the rocks, where IMO they are even better than pads
because they put the protection a shoe's width away from the foot instead
right up against it.  Then when one gets out of the rocks, one can remove
them and have the grip of open feet as well as the advantage to the foot of
having it open to the environment.  They represent the best of both worlds,
and IMO, for general use, make pads all but obsolete.  Any more, I would
only choose pads for a foot with a pathological problem that needs some
sort of dressing or constant protection--such as a healing abcess or some


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