Cevi's update 10/17/99
Juliua Stroup horsewmn@aol.com
Hi all. Cevi is nothing less then wonderful. She's back on her
feet and feeling great. Tom and Shary came this weekend and I
was so thankful to have the four of us together it made me
giddy. Tom's birthday was today and we didn't do much but we
plan to when Cevi and I return home for good (I can't wait). Shary looked really good to my eyes, I miss her so much and I want to kiss her constantly, but you know how 16 year olds can be. Cevi's got a neck brace on and is doing quite a bit of additional moving around and talking of moving around, she now has control of two muscles in her left foot that she didn't have before, OH HE'S SUCH A WONDERFUL GOD!!! I knew He'd do it!!! It's great to see her face (and not through the halo), I can kiss her forehead now without poking my eyes out (from the prongs that hung out from the halo). We plan on being home next weekend so that Cevi can attend Allison's birthday party. We should be home around 3pm Saturday and leave home about 6pm Sunday. My sister Paula will be up from California again so we should have some fun (she's great at that). I pray that Jesus blesses you each and every day with His wonderous love, light, strength and spirit, we love you. -Juliua
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