Re: RC: Re: Riding in the dark?
- To: RideCamp List <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: Re: RC: Re: Riding in the dark?
- From: Susan Young Silberman <ssilberman@bigfoot.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 10:49:57 -0400
- Organization: Hawk's Haven Farm - "McIntopy," Florida
- References: <0.b6c3692c.252e5daf@aol.com> <018c01bf1109$5a2a6950$848d2dc7@redmond.corp.microsoft.com>
- Reply-To: ssilberman@bigfoot.com
All this talk about riding at night with lights or without lights
has me thinking ...
My husband is a pilot -- absolutely loves to fly! Pilots who fly
at night must be able to maintain their night vision, yet often
need to be able to check their navigation charts to make sure
they are on course. They use red flashlights to accomplish
both. The military uses red lights for the same reason -- to
maintain night vision.
Couldn't we somehow create a red flashlight and/or red headlight
(maybe mounted in a chest guard on the horse) to allow the rider
to see better without affecting either the horse's night vision
or the rider's night vision?
Just a thought ...
Susan (who is very new to all this, but enjoys helping to
Hawk's Haven Farm
Micanopy, Florida
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