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Fwd: RC: Re: Cass at Liberty Run

In a message dated 99-10-14 23:58:45 EDT, BREJD writes:

   Give her a break!!!!  Any who knows what it takes to win a 100 knows it's 
not a walk in the park. Most people who ride FEI NEVER spill thier guts here. 
They are ATE UP by the few who hope to finsh a 75 let alone 100, that is ran 
in competive time. Do it and come back with you thoughts and knowledge.  I 
have rode with these people they do not abuse their horses. I can only hope 
to someday ride with them AT THEIR SPEED. 
   My horse has completed  two FEI ( PAN AM) rides, tevis, 2000+ miles and 
totally sound...yours???  Dory Jackson~ N~DHC NASSAHR  NW REGION >>

---- Begin included message ----
  Give her a break!!!!  Any who knows what it takes to win a 100 knows it's 
not a walk in the park. Most people who ride FEI NEVER spill thier guts here. 
They are ATE UP by the few who hope to finsh a 75 let alone 100, that is ran 
in competive time. Do it and come back with you thoughts and knowledge.  I 
have rode with these people they do not abuse their horses. I can only hope 
to someday ride with them AT THEIR SPEED. 
  My horse has completed  two FEI ( PAN AM) rides, tevis, 2000+ miles and 
totally sound...yours???  Dory Jackson~ N~DHC NASSAHR  NW REGION
---- End included message ----

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