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Re: RC: Road riding question

I've been walking in parking lots & had people back up & almost hit me.
What I generally do is take my fist & pound hard on the car.  The shock
of hearing that noise really causes the driver to slam on the brakes.
They usually get pissed off, but the only time anyone yelled at me for
doing it, I lied and said that my fist hit the car because the bumper
knocked me over and forced me to fall into the car - what they'd heard
was me trying to keep from falling *under* the car, and perhaps the
driver might like to accompany me to the hospital to see if I had any
damage done to me.

So I'm thinking that if you rode with a stick or a heavy duty whip of
good length (like those Parelli "carrot sticks") that you attached a
tennis ball to, then you could just whack any car that gets too close,
then pretend you've been hit and yell like bloody murder for the police.

OK, not a good idea I guess.  How about those paint guns?  Lif

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