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Re: Cal Poly Arabian Mares Sent to Feedlot
> There are already alternatives for Cal Poly. If it is true that these
>horses were given to Cal Poly, sending them to slaughter was not the only
>option. If Cal Poly was unable to find suitable homes for these horses
>because of the horses' condition, health, age, etc., the more humane
>solution is to euthanize the horses and bury or send them for glue.
A friend of mine who is on a small private list with me has been doing some
research on this problem. She has Arabians and has been actively
interested in the rescue efforts of the breed. Unfortunately I didn't save
the post that stated the details of the info she was finding, so I can't
really quote what she said...but the upshot of the note was that there was
actually more going on under the surface by some unscrupulous people on
both sides and the whole situation was under investigation. At this point,
she realized that she didn't want to get more involved with this particular
situation and would have to be content to find out the gory details along
with the rest of us. I'll let you know if I hear anything more.
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
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