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Re: Prayers for "Delaware"
Hi Michelle,
Sorry to hear you're having troubles with Delaware. I agree with your vet,
let him do what he wants. My suggestion would be to definitely allow him
all the hay he wants, do NOT restrict his hay intake---you'll be potentially
causing much more serious problems than just some weight loss.
You might also consider adding some probios---undoubtedly, the stress,
antibiotics and possibly the steroids have all affected the microbial
population in his gut. My personal preference is for Fastrack, but there
are other good brands available as well. If he's not eating grain or mash,
just wet down his hay and sprinkle it on that. If he has heaves, then wet
hay is going to be better for him anyway. You might also consider starting
him on some soaked beet pulp---great stuff for older horses with heaves.
For the time being, I wouldn't worry *too* much about him not eating his
grain. Give him awhile to get over the medications and stress and then
he'll probably go back to eating his normal ration. Just keep offering it
to him in small amounts. In the meantime, bury him in hay. If you normally
add oil to his diet, you might also try sprinkling a little oil directly on
the hay as well. It sounds kind of funny, but it works, you just have to
spread it thinly so it doesn't drip through. I get REALLY messy, I pour the
oil into my hands then rub my hands all through the hay.
Good luck and don't worry too much. Delaware will be just fine.
Susan Garlinghouse
-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Eddy <meddy@rcvideo.com>
To: Deb T.E.A.R. <Dnrooo@aol.com>; Ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>;
equinerescue@MyList.net <equinerescue@MyList.net>
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 7:28 AM
Subject: Prayers for "Delaware"
>I think it might be time for prayers AND suggestions!! Delaware won't eat.
> He will eat his hay like he is starving....I tried taking out all
>medication from his feed thinking maybe he just decided he didn't like the
>medicine. This all started when he broke a blood vessel in his lung last
>week (for those who don't know, he has severe Heaves (COPD)) He is losing
>weight again and he CANNOT afford to loose weight. I gave him a 2nd
>Dexamethazone (sp?) shot and Vit B shot yesterday. The vet had given him
>one of each last week when she came. His feed is "Triple Crown Senior" (12
>lbs a day split up) with "Vita Plus" and 100ccs albuterol. And he is on 14
>SMZ tablets a day. I've now been squirting medicines down his throat.
>How can i make him eat his feed? I didn't give him any hay last night and
>he ate about 2/3 of his grain. Should I just quit all hay? I cannot make
>him stay in a stall 24/7. He goes out with his "herd" during the day. He
>loves that most of all and vet said keep him comfortable and happy and let
>him do what he wants. I did not adopt him from T.E.A.R. "just to keep him
>alive" I want him to be happy and a horse for the time he has left. i
>just wanted that time to be a little longer.....maybe this will pass oh
>how i pray it will....i got this horse for my mom and she has not be able
>to come to west virginia to see him yet. i want her to see him.....can
>anyone help
>Michelle Eddy
>C & M Equine Rescue
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