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Horse killers--plea bargain???

A Friend asked me to post this for her;

Hi everyone,
I am sending this to save time.  I talked with Kathy Barcomb the executive
secretary for the Wild Horse commission yesterday and she says that Storey
County will probably plea bargain the jerks that killed all the wild horses
because of lack of funds for such a high profile case.... So we want the State
to prosecute.  If there is enough outrage of the issue, they will probably
take it, since Frankie Sue Del Papa (Nevada State Attorney General), is
chopping at the bit to prosecute this one, but the order has to come from
higher up.  

If you have a minute you can email Governor Guinn's office at

Thank you in advance, and if you can tell any of your friends and post on web
sites it would be great!


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