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Re: one more lesson learned....comments.....

In a message dated 1/28/99 11:10:30 AM EST, Dbeverly4 writes:

<< As far as thinking through all my options, unfortunately, I'm human and
we're kind of famous for making mistakes now and then.   >>

Just to clear up any misunderstanding....I, too, have made plenty of stupid,
thoughless mistakes while working with/around horses, and in trailering
horses.  I was hauling a strange horse once and I loaded the horse myself.  I
didn't think to ask if the horse tied, I was inside the trailer, in the last
stall of my slant load.  The horse didn't tie at all, ever.  When she knew I
had tied her, she ran backwards, got stopped by the rope and paniced.  I was
trying to be as small as I could in the front of the stall.  The snap broke
from her halter, flew back and hit my hands that were up in front of my face.
I had badly bruised palms, but I can only imagine what that snap would have
done to my face.  I did learn from this though.  I learned to have all horses
load themselves, even if I need to run a longe line through the trailer first.
and to always untie the horse before opening the back door.  I also learned
what to look for in a trailer, for safety of loading and unloading.  My
earlier post was not meant to sound rightous.  Just trying to point out that
all trailers can be unsafe, not just slant loads.

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