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Endurance/Sport Horse Clinic in MD
The Old Dominion is once again holding their Endurance/Sport Horse
Clinic in Rectortown, MD. Money obtained from this fundraiser goes
towards trail maintenance for the OD trails.
Last year, when you brought your horse to Dr. Jeannie Waldron's clinic,
he was videotaped on the treadmill, the farrier evaluated the gait and
made shoeing suggestions, a panel of blood work was drawn, an equine
dentist examined him and did his teeth, Dr. Waldron evaluated your
nutrition program and did a computerized saddle fitting.
If anyone is interested in this clinic, it is a full day affair, offered
once on March 13th (Saturday) and again on March 14th (Sunday). The
organizer is our Fearless Old Dominion President & Ride N Tie nut - Dr.
Lani Newcomb.
You now know all that I know about this clinic. :-) There is info at
For more information, contact Lani at (703) 435-1953
or give2bute@aol.com
We are going to go on Saturday 3/13 unless we are seriously snowed in.
Rocket and I may be middle of the pack, but it still wouldn't hurt to
learn a little bit & maximize his potential.
Lidna Flemmer
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