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Fwd: maybe we should talk about helmets for a while...


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In a message dated 1/26/99 10:59:59 PM Central Standard Time,

<< I also know a "cowboy" that landed on his
 head and he isn't doing so good.  Of course cowboys don't wear helmets.
 Lovell >>
You're right they don't. My endurance horse is a QH and I also Team Rope on
him and it drives me to see these guys without helmets, and of course they
give me a hard time about mine. BUT, my roping trainer had a BAD accident last
March. His loop missed the steer and his horse's front leg went in the loop
right as Bob pulled the slack. Horse went down and rolled three times end over
end with Bob still in the saddle unconcious. Terrible sight. Bob spent time in
Hospital and had three brain hemorages. He is fine today, but has some memory
problems. The problem with the ropers, barrel racers etc is partly the
organization. To rope in the finals or semifinals, you have to wear a cowboy
hat and be dressed nice. If the org. would chage the rule and state that a
HELMET must be worn instead, maybe things would be different.
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