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Re: one more lesson learned....comments.....

OK Kimberly here it goes;
   I was taking out a group of tourists on our two and a half hour sunset ride
in Hawaii. Well, you know those pineapple fields start to look the same after
5 PM. Trying my best to watch the little Arab mare in season behind me (we
frequently rode backwards) and coach the tourists, my little Arab mare decides
to take a detour which I don't realize till I turn around and didn't recognize
this beautiful pristine no hooves print trail through a beautiful valley.(too
narrow to turn around) uh I am trying nonchalantly to fire up the cell
phone the guests are saying things like "we're not lost, this isn't real, your
joking right?" uh yeah sure..When I call the office it was just a wee bit
embarrassing to have to admit I was as lost as lost could be. My horse Heather
Locklear tried to convince me all was well but she was as much a newbie as I
   The trail had been closed for quite some time and as we muddled through
slippery hills and ponds and jungle flora I knew why...
Please no more blond jokes...

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