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Easyboot Fit
A few weeks ago I asked for opinions about easyboots and fitting as my horses
hooves were at the max for size 1. I received alot of suggestions and opinions
and explanations with the majority recommending a size1. Well, you were
correct. After insuring that I could exchange them if they didn't fit, I
ordered the size 1's. I put them on today without too bad of a struggle. They
actually went on easier than expected. I did have to bend down the metal
flanges on the sides just a little bit. I can hardly wait until Saturday when
I'll get to put them to the test.
I thank everyone that responded.
Ed Roley and Sawyer who was so good about standing there and letting me shove,
push, pull, twist, tap and just about everything else to get those boots on
his feet.
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