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Heritage Trails Assn.

Linda, I'm trying to catch up on emails and Ridecamps, but I can verify
what Nancy Dupont said about  George Cardinet.   He is "Mr. Trails" and
we wish we could clone a younger version of him..  he has contacts all
over the nation, in all the important recreational areas.   Nancy is his
close collaborator.   I think George has at least one  son who is a
veterinarian, has helped him many ways.     90 years young and just
beginning to slow down.     Heritage Trails does fight the good fight for
trails.   It is mostly local (San Francisco area)   but as Nancy said,
they go to D.C. at least once a year and lobby for trail access in many
areas, and money for funding this continued access.      Worth your $$$,
yes!    Connie B.

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