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Re: Endurance horse prices 1999


Of course papers aren't AS important in a gelding, but as far as I'm
concerned, they are  still important!  I want to START with knowing the
history of the horse I am to ride because this is the "raw material"
that  will  hopefully produce the  kind of endurance horse I am willing
to put all the time and money into!  In other words, it is the first
STEP in  the program!  This is why lines are important--and geldilngs
are the ambassadors of the breed and often of their "family".lines..

ALSO-- if it turns out that the gelding is NOT the horse I want, it is
still much easier to sell a registered gelding than an registered one! 
AND--should the new buyer want to particiapate in many of the "breed"
association programs, they must show "papers" for points!If you have
none, you will eliminate many markets.


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