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Nat. Parks & Conservation Assn.

Laney, NPCA is a national "park watching" group that  keeps track of
national parks around the nation and how they are administered.  It has
sued the Nat. Parks Service in past years for various reasons, when it
has decided that NPS has been derelict in its duties.  
   Brian Huse came to a meeting here in Marin last Nov.  that  had a lot
of park personnel as well as at least ten of us equestrians.  When it was
his turn to speak, he was quite pleased to tell us  about his part  in 
filing  lawsuits on the NPS.   Never mind that thousands of private
dollars and thousands of horse-owner man-hours had already been put into
effective mitigation of potential and perceived problems and that the
stables are fulfilling several public, historic,  and social benefits; 
he is plain and simply anti-horse.    Yes, he wants all NPCA members to
write AGAINST keeping the three stables there, strictly on his say-so.  
As if it were a popularity contest.  
    Thanks again to all who have responded so generously to my plea.  
Joe Long's observation on keeping letters to Park Supt. Brian O'Neill on
the "short" side, is very good advice.        ....Connie B.

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