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Best Riding Spots

Evening all!

Well..if there is heaven on earth, Sneaky and I surely found it in
Maine.  Every October for Columbus Day, we'd spend the long weekend
camping and riding through the carriage roads of Acadia National Park.
This park was designed and built by John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
*specifically* for horses/carriages.  And while hikers and bikers use
the trails also HORSES HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY!  Believe it or not...they
abide by it too!  The engineering that went into the constructiong of
this 57 mile road system is incredible alone.  The scenery is beyond
words.  The park is located essentially on  Mt. Desert Island, home to
Bar Harbor, Maine.   There is an elevation change of 700ft on this you can get a good solid ride in should you choose!  The
experience is nothing short of spiritual.  I highly recommend a trip
should you *ever* find yourself with the wonderlust to travel.  I used
to haul Sneaky 8 hours to get there...*well* worth the trip.  Even he
thought so...below is the website for further information.  Enjoy!

Susan, Sneaky and the newest edition, "Whiskey" yet to be officially
I may have a "name the filly" contest!!!!

> Thanks for that wonderful description of life in Colorado. That's the kind
> of information I was hoping to get about what it's like to live and
> trailride in different parts of the country. It sounds like you've found
> paradise.
> Karen Schwartz
> Livermore, CA

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