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Re: trailriding paradise
Santa Cruz Mountains...
I live on the Skyline to the Sea trail, you could call this the ultimate trail riding paradice. There are 35,000 acres of park here all open
to equestrians. Big Basin Park, Castle Rock Park, Windy Hill, Henry Cowell in
redwood and oak forested trails with some chapperal. The Castle Rock, Swanton Pacific and Fireworks Endurance rides are in the same parks. Shine and Shine rides are in Almaden Valley, 45 minute trailer ride. Other rides local are Oakland Hills, Diablo Vista, Las Trampas, all within 2hours.
The silicon valley has jobs galore. My place is 40 minutes drive from
San Jose, with little or no traffic on highway 9. If you go much deeper
into the city, you will have traffic, but there are lots of companies in Cupertino and
Los Gatos or Sunnyvale that are just 40 min drive, not bad when you get to live
in paradise.
At 04:42 PM 1/25/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi everybody - I hope that the topic of 'best places for trailriders to
>live' isn't considered off-topic, because I'm really enjoying hearing about
>all of the different locales. Someday, I'd like to move somewhere where the
>weather permits me to ride all year-round. Yes, I could do it here in
>Vermont, and no, I am not a wimp, but I have a full-time job so daylight
>becomes a real problem. That, in combination with at least 4 months of snow
>and ice is quite a deterrent. I'd ride in the dark if it weren't so slippery!
>So, if this isn't off-topic, I'd like to throw another twist into the
>discussion. Who knows of a place that fulfills these four criteria: 1.
>Winter where the ground freezes solid for less than 2 months (I like
>variety, just not six months of the cold variety). 2. Enough open space so
>trailriding is accessible without having to trailer somewhere. 3. A climate
>where there is grass and trees and water (I'm not a desert person), and 4.
>A reasonable commute to a place where there are good jobs (I am a marketing
>Feel free to return responses directly without copying the list, or copy
>the list if you think anybody else cares. Thanks!
>Chelle and Dy (who hopes Hawaii is a good answer)
>Tunbridge, Vermont
>Chelle Sherman
>Marketing Communications Project Manager
>Fluent Incorporated
>voice: (603) 643-2600 X625
>fax: (603) 643-3967
>e-mail: cms@fluent.com
Connie DeJong (408) 526-6117
Customer Success Engineering Fax (408) 526-4952
IOS Technologies & IP ISU Quality Program Mgr. 170 West Tasman
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
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