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RE: Staying on subject

>>> There is so much on this list that has little or nothing to do
with endurance riding it would be laughable if one found themselves capable of

I've been growing increasingly concerned about this...  It is very very difficult to
keep this list focused on Endurance - and there are some waves of off-topic
discussion that are pretty much impossible to stop once they get started. 

I've noticed over the years of doing this list that off-topic disscussion seems
to escalate around this time of year - most of us are tired of winter, want to
ride more than weather and daylight will allow - and find ourselves full of
pent up energy. Last year things got really out of control (some of you may 
remember the 'fluff' controversy :)

So - PLEASE - let's try to focus a little more. Maybe it's not even so much 
the off-topic aspect of the list that's getting out of hand, but the tendancy
for 'me too' replies. There are other lists out there that welcome all sorts
of horse chat (equine-l for example) - but I want to keep the Ridecamp
list dedicated to endurance and distance riding - and in the long run this
makes for a much more valuable forum. 

I don't want to offend anybody, or pick on any particular 'bad' topic. (although
one in particular that made me groan out loud was the One great love vs One
great horse thread. This is the stuff that belongs on Equine-l.) Most of you 
understand ... just try to keep the focus, and keep the noise down.


Steph Teeter

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