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Re: Public Relations Disaster -- Help Please

>Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 23:02:21 -0800
>From: Nancy DuPont <>
>Subject: Re: Public Relations Disaster -- Help Please
>In-Reply-To: <>
>References: <>
>We are a national organization with a mission to preserve and protect
trails.  OUr president was honored at the Clemson conference, George
Cardinet.  He is celebrating his 90th birthday this April 10th. He is a
founder of California State Horsemen's Association and a founder of the
Tahoe Rim Trail in California/Nevada. He worked on and saw the passage of
the National Trails Act in 1968 and was a founder of American Trails. He
has worked for 65 years on trail buildiing and preservation.  HE introduced
the bill and saw the passage of the Juan Bautista De Anza National Historic
Trail into law. He conducted the Bi Centennial Reenactments across the
United States in 1975 along with Sharon Saare, the saddle maker, He
conducted the Anza Reneactment from MExico to San Francisco, and on and on.
 We spend alot of time on legislation to protect trails from the top - we
are in partnership with the National Park Service on many projects and they
are one dimensional in their thinking, that is predictable.  Ask Connie
Berto! We would love to have you join, it is $35 annually and of course you
do receive newsletters.  We are going to Washington DC in March to Lobby
for funding for trails. Want to join us?
>At 03:45 AM 1/24/99 -0800, you wrote:
>>Nancy DuPont wrote:
>>> He is another environmentalist with a National Park Service mentality.
>>> At 09:24 AM 1/23/99 -0800, you wrote:
>>> >
>>> >Does anybody know who Brian Huse is and why he might be making a
>>> >case out of this?
>>> >
>>Hi, Nancy!
>>I've been meaning to ask you, from some of your posts it seems that
>>you are a member of a group called Heritage Trails.  I remember them
>>being mentioned several times at the Clemson conference, but I never
>>got an explanation of who they were and what their mission is.
>>I'm trying to figure out what national organization(s) I should join
>>to promote trail creation and preservation.  What can you tell me?
>>Do they have a web page?
>>Linda B. Merims
>>Massachusetts, USA

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