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Re: NPCA and Hit Piece
Linda and others, what I didn't say in the original message is that
Brian Huse who wrote that hit piece on the stables, has been toured
through the stables, been shown "before" and "after" pictures, been shown
water quality tests results and all the federally-required mitigation
measures accomplished, but is not about to let facts confuse his
attitude. He wants horses OUT, that's the ax he is grinding. The
stables aren't violating policies or anything else. The only thing
remaining is for the stables to get a signed contract, or charter, from
the Nat. Park System, as required by Congress (and this requirement was
enacted long after the stables began operations).
The stables are: Presidio Riding Club, Miwok Stables, and Golden
Gate Dairy Stables (also known as Muir Beach stables).
Yesterday I attended a meeting of the Citizens Advisory Commission of
the GGNRA and Pt. Reyes Nat. Seashore and tore the Huse article apart
line by line, and they all listened very closely. Furthermore, Brian
O'Neill, Parks Supt., is annoyed enough with Huse (for disseminating this
false information) that he has phoned him to say just that. The article
reflects badly, and unjustly, on the Nat. Park Service.
This also discredits the NPCA organization, that they would allow
stuff like this to be printed. No, I am not a member; frankly, it
sounds to me like a watch-dog group has been turned into a witch-hunting
Thanks to all for your interest, and thanks above all to those who
have written back to Brian O'Neill..... Connie B
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