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Re: purchasing an endurance horse(long)

I have to agree, a few years ago I was looking for a good sound kids
horse after talking to people who asured me that my kids would love this
horse and that the horse was a good safe horse I found out the
following, 1. Horse throws itself on the ground when being saddled
           2. Horse rears over backwards when being saddled
           3. Oh he's a stud, I thought he was a gelding. (As the horse 
              is trying to kick and bite you).
           4. People say anything to get you out there to see their 
              horses. They don't care that the horse is unsuitable to 
              your needs, some out and out lie to get rid of a problem.
              Including drugging the horse, so always get a vet check.
Not all people were like this but it took us a long time to find a safe
kids horse and I ended up buying her from a neighbor who's daughter
didn't like her because she was a paint. We had her until the kids out
grew her (she was only 12 h) she now belongs to a tiny woman who fit her
just right and wanted a lifelong companion for trail riding.


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