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Re: Cranial-Sacral
I have had cranial-sacral work done on
myself and it was wonderful. I could actually feel my lower back and
pelvis release as the woman worked on my head. I had it done to my dog
too. It really worked well on a very jumpy nervous little mini
pinscher. She became more calm and trainable. A friend of mine that
broke her back earlier this year is having it done to herself too. She
says she does find relief in her back afterwards. She and I
are planning on having a cranial-sacral person work on us and our horses here in
So Cal. in the next month or two.
I will let ya know how it
went. My same friend and I had some Rehki work done on us last
thurs. She rode the 50 miler and won it and I rode the 75 and came in
second place. (Manzanita Ride). That was her first win and the
highest placing Clovis and I have ever gotten. Hmmmmmmm there may be
something to this mumbo jumbo stuff
'eh!:-)))) gesa n
Has anyone had cranial-sacral work done on a
horse and how did it benefit the horse? I heard there was to be a
local clinic for this and am wondering if I want to attend.
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