Re: Re: Instructions at ride meetings
Good idea in theory but not all new riders will take that initiative...I
also read and researched (thank God for the internet!) but many who don't
understand distance riding will not because their horse has stamina and
endurance and can go "all day long" down the trail. We hear this all the
time.... they have no idea what slow twitch muscles vs. fast twitch muscles
has to do with anything, how to feed their horse, how they should be
trimmed/shod, what a CRI is, etc. Sounds like fun!! Yeah, right! Thank
God for those of us who want to learn and keep learning and asking
questions and putting what we learn into practice. But for those who
don't, I think there is a responsibility somewhere (Vets? Ride managers?
AERC? Local clubs?) to provide some education somewhere in some format to
avoid potential problems. Of course, after the initial jumpstart, the
newbie distance rider needs to take responsbility for themselves as far as
their goals in the sport and how they are going to proceed with what they
learn. Just my 2 cents.
> From: peggy brush <psbrush@hotmail.com>
> To: mlaboure@flash.net; Dbeverly4@aol.com
> Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: RC: Re: Instructions at ride meetings
> Date: Monday, September 27, 1999 8:55 AM
> This is my first year in this sport and think that most of the
> responsibility for education is on the rider. I have found many books,
> articles and Internet info. A lot of this information was a bit
> to me as a rookie but the more I ride and reread information the light
> click. I have also asked thousands of question to experienced riders,
> managers and vets. Sometimes I get conflicting answers so I need to
> my brain and work out what is best for me and my horse. I have pit
> for some of the best, been a vet secretary and watched as other
> riders worked through their own problems during rides. I read all the
> rules for AERC and UMECRA (Upper Midwest) and the few I did not
> were quickly explained when I asked. Unless a horse is very lame or very
> stressed I have seen very few concrete answers. I have a friend who is
> very experienced rider (8000-9000 AERC miles, lots of big rides, etc.)
> One week she took her competitive horse (who has over 5000 miles) out and
> was back in camp within ten minutes because of lameness. A few weeks
> I was riding with her and the same horse became lame again after a few
> miles. This time she was able to massage her horse, continue and place.
> The point is she knows her horses and there is no book that says if A
> happens do B. As a rookie I feel very well �taken care� of, I have made
> LOTs of mistakes but none to serious. I have seen my 'mentor' stand back
> and watch me work through my own problems allowing me to learn while
> watch that I was still OK. Bottom line this is an individual sport so
> like other individual sports such as jogging the person, not the sport
> should be responsible for most of their own education.
> >From: Bob & Amber Roberts <mlaboure@flash.net>
> >To: Dbeverly4@aol.com
> >CC: alison@hirschcompany.com, ridecamp@endurance.net
> >Subject: RC: Re: Instructions at ride meetings
> >Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 07:42:56 -0500
> >
> >Dbeverly4@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > > Barring that, some type of
> > > educational interlude for newbies would be nice at an endurance ride.
> >
> >I'm in Central Region and every ride I've ever been to has offered a
> >separate
> >meeting for new riders after the general ride meeting. If new riders
> >any
> >questions are answered at that point.
> >
> >Amber
> >
> >
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