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hold times

The suggestion of having longer hold times to give the horse a 
chance to eat was based on a need to adjust our sport in favor of 
the horse, NOT to penalize riders.  Since I started this discussion 
on hot/humid syndrome and what has happened at rides all 
summer, I want to repeat that many of the treated horses were 
NOT being "overridden".  Horses on CTR were being treated.  
Horses in the back of the pack on endurance rides were being 
treated.  Conservative riders were having horses treated.  We 
seriously need to adjust our thinking here.  Just because a person 
is not racing does not mean that they cannot get into trouble.  
Slow is not the answer.  Management is, thus the suggestion of 
longer hold times.  Whether that be in the form of more holds or 
longer holds is up to management and absolutely should be 
adjusted for weather conditions.  
John and Sue Greenall

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