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David Boggs Suspension
Actually, it's the people who did not present evidence that was
overwhelming enough that IAHA and AHSA had to look at it.
These guys work on intimidation and humiliation, so it's really hard to
pinpoint some of the things they do- because they do know how to hide
things sometimes.
I am just glad that whoever had the guts to stand forth with the evidence
did it. It's the only way to stop the abuse.
If you go to a show, and you see abuse, announce it out loud, or on the
net... you don't need to "judge" what you saw, just describe it
Sometimes it makes people furious, but it also plants a seed for them to
think about and gives them a chance to change it.
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:03:41 -0400 Truman Prevatt
<truman.prevatt@netsrq.com> writes:
> Actually the IAHA and AHSA are probably more culpabile by allowing it
> to> get started and exist. By not putting a stop to the practices
> initially> they gave a an implied approval to his methods. This
> approval> may hold more weight if he takes the case to court than the
> under> which he was suspended. The sad part is he could win the case -
> because> of the inaction in the past of the IAHA and AHSA.
> Truman
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