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Here in the Pacifice Northwest region we have started a mentor
program, somewhat independent of PNER (Pacific Northwest Endurance Ride).
Because the mentoring effort is not yet authorized by PNER (perhaps we will
undertake responsibility for it at the next convention) there are no funds nor
is there "official" standing for the mentors. We simply
responded postively when the membership coordinator, a volunteer, asked a number
of us if we would be willing to help other riders who have questions.
Fortunately, we aren't given an exam to ensure that we know all the
answers. Our role is to help the questioner find the person or source with
the answer. The organizer for the mentors used his own money to purchase
flags we can fly: "Ask Me PNER"
The idea came from AERC as I understand it. What I had
envisioned were rider representatives, elected by the membership in our region,
serving this function. However, rider representatives are elected to serve
on the board of directors. We don't have other responsibilities or
expectations identified in the bylaws.
Hence, the need or interest in another group of members to be
"mentors." Of course one can play any other role, from ride
manager to president of the organization to LD rider, while volunteering as a
The ride manager complaining about collecting AERC non-member
fees does have a good idea: A brochure from AERC to potential
members. Mentors could distribute these.
Eventually there probably ought to be guidelines for mentors
so that liability issues are anticipated and countered. It is difficult to
have an activity within an organization, but outside it's purview.
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