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Re: beet pulp or other weight gain supplements
no feed mills, no feed lots, and people here really dont believe in feedin
extra hard to find even good grains and sweet feed.
>Huh... sounds like a rip-off to me! My feed store special ordered bags for
>me and it still cost less than $10 per 50# bag. Weird that they looked at
>you bug-eyed.... it's a really common feed for other livestock.
>There are commercially mixed feeds that have beet-pulp in them, but they
>also tend to have a lot of molasses and other stuff (at least the ones I
>have seen). You might see if they can hunt up one of those for you
>But hey... I'd hit them up again. You might even check to see if there are
>any feed mills in your area supplying feed lots. They'll likely have it or
>know where you can get it.
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